Saturday, 31 July 2010

Joel Sternfeld - McLean, Virginia

McLean, Virginia - Joel Sternfeld

I found this image in a book of modern American photography. Taken in 1975, it shows firefighters attending a blazing house in the background, while another fireman selects a couple of pumpkins from a nearby farm shop. The blaze in the background looks pretty serious, yet the relaxed fireman looks anything but - it is an amusing contrast. I find that the colour guides my eye throughout the image - almost everything is orange, from the pumpkins to the ground, the fireman, the signs and the fire itself.

It reminds me of my own experience of standing on the scene of a major fire in Camden, London, a few years ago. Granted, there isn't a great deal for the police to do while a fire is raging, but the overwhelming impression I got from the fire brigade was one of relaxed professionalism. A blazing building isn't special to them. I've driven with all sirens blaring to the scene of a massive gang-fight involving knives, bottles, metal bars, etc, while debating with the driver whether roast beef is preferable to chicken. It's just what we do. For me, this image sums that up perfectly.

The original is currently on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

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