Saturday, 25 September 2010

Penton Hook Lock

Penton Hook Lock
Originally uploaded by Photo Plod
Despite the chilly conditions, I spent this morning wandering over Penton Hook Lock, an island on the edge of the river Thames at its western end.

Photo opportunities were quite limited, but I tried to make the most of the scenery. This was my favourite shot of the day - I quite like the way that the river winds round and leads the eye into the boat moored in the centre. It's a bit of a postcard shot, but not everything has to be arty, does it?

I dithered this week over buying a second-hand Nikon D3 - but then went against it. I can't afford it at the moment, with a wedding to pay for. This morning, though, it was an absolute pleasure to just grab my trusty D80, go out & play. Not everything needs expensive kit!

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